
Annual Registration Fee, 2024-25 License Year1$600
Initial Application Fee, meets active practice requirements$130
Reinstatement Application Fee, meets active practice requirements$40
Application Fee, does not meet active practice requirements$280
Candidate License Fee, May Exam2,3 $300
Active Practice License Fee following successful May CDRE4$400
Candidate License Fee, November Exam2,3 $200
Active Practice License Fee following successful November CDRE4$200
Labour Mobility Verification Form Service Fee$40
Late Renewal Fee$300
Insurance Lapse Fee$300

Fees are effective December 1, 2023

1Individuals submitting an application after September 30 for an active practice license shall pay half of the annual registration fee.

2The licensing fee for a registered dietitian candidate will cover a candidate license from the date of application approval to 8 weeks following the next sitting of the CDRE.

3The fee for those registering for the November exam shall be one-third of the annual registration fee; the fee for those registering for the May exam shall be one-half of the annual registration fee.

4The fee for those passing the November exam shall be one-third of the annual registration fee; the fee for those passing the May exam shall be two-thirds of the annual registration fee.

Registration Policies