
Annual Registration Fee, 2024-25 License Year1,2$600
Initial Application Fee, meets active practice requirements$130
Reinstatement Application Fee, meets active practice requirements$40
Application Fee, does not meet active practice requirements$280
Candidate License Fee, May Exam3,4 $300
Active Practice License Fee following successful May CDRE5$400
Candidate License Fee, November Exam3,4 $200
Active Practice License Fee following successful November CDRE5$200
Labour Mobility Verification Form Service Fee$40
Late Renewal Fee$300
Insurance Lapse Fee$300
Refund Administration Fee$20

Fees are effective December 1, 2023

1Individuals submitting an application after September 30 for an active practice license shall pay half of the annual registration fee.

2Future annual registration fees: 2025-26 – $620; 2026-27 – $640

3The licensing fee for a registered dietitian candidate will cover a candidate license from the date of application approval to 8 weeks following the next sitting of the CDRE.

4The fee for those registering for the November exam shall be one-third of the annual registration fee; the fee for those registering for the May exam shall be one-half of the annual registration fee.

5The fee for those passing the November exam shall be one-third of the annual registration fee; the fee for those passing the May exam shall be two-thirds of the annual registration fee.

Registration Policies